Parts for Barographs and Barometers

I sell barograph charts, ink and nibs, and spare parts for barometers, which you can order from this list.
After over 45 years, I now trade online only.
Barograph charts, inks and nibs
NOTE: minimum order value is £15 plus
carriage (except most books).
See 'How to Order' for payment details.
Code | Name | Price | Description | Photo (mouse over to zoom) |
Barometer Parts Catalogue
Welcome to my new simple list of parts.
If you can not find something just e-mail (no pictures please) as I may have some other items or old parts to suggest.
NOTE: minimum order value is £15 plus
carriage (except most books).
See 'How to Order' for payment details.
Code | Name | Price | Description | Photo (mouse over to zoom) |
How to Order
Payment Details
Payment can be made by cheque or bank transfer. Sorry but I no longer accept card payments.
If you want to pay by bank transfer, please use the following details, but email me to notify.
Bank name | Co-op Bank |
Account name | Barometer World |
Sort code | 08-92-50 |
Account number | 62038036 |
Reference | (Please use your name) |
Make any cheques payable to 'Barometer World' and send to:
Barometer World, P.O. Box 108, Okehampton, EX20 9BE
Customer Details |
Delivery Address if Different |
Code | Desc. | Quantity | Unit Price | Total | ||
Sub-total | ||||||
Postage | ||||||
Final total |
Can't print; order contains error(s).
For all enquiries, I prefer email, at
or you might reach me on
07938 500024
Please do not send photographs via email unless requested. If I need any I will ask.
Barometer World
P.O. Box 108
EX20 9BE